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Week trip taken end of June 2011 stopping at Shelter Cove, camping in the King's Range above Shelter Cover, a hike to King's Peak, stops along the way in Redwood country, visit to Portland, then camping in the Yolla Bolly Wilderness (hike cancelled due to storm)
Day 1: Drove to Shelter Cove and checked out the beach and relaxed and read a bit. The camped for the night above the beach in the King's Range down a few miles of a dirt road
Day 2: Woke up early and drove a circuatous route leading to a painful dirt road that was very steep and in poor conditions in some places but nothing too bad. Did the King's Peak trail. Then drove to Eureka, had Wendy's. Then drove to Klamath and hiked to favorite spot, Caruther's Cove (see previous trips for pics) to read and sip some gin. Stayed night in Crescent City Econolodge.
incredibly windy up on King's Peak, so nice to have this storm shelter
Deer and mom on the road driving back from trailhead. Mom kept jumping away up the side of the hill by the kid couldn't do it so I felt like I had to stop or the kid might get lost
Day 3-5: Hung out in redwoods a bit, then drove to Portland, stayed with friend in McMinnville, then with other friends in Portland for 2 nights.
Day 6-7: Drove early down 5 to Yolla Bolly Wildnerness west of Redding, heading down very slow-going dirt road for 18 miles into the forest to camp. Planned to do big hike next day, but got rained out in freak major late June storm.
At the campground after very painful driving of great distance including 18 miles on dirt taking 1.5 hours. Not a soul for many miles. Relatively nice weather turned trouble around 2am with steady rain beginning to get heavy at 5am. Made early exit scared that road would become impassable
as I unfortnately did not plan well and did not have enough food to ride out the storm. Kind of a waste. Will have to try again some day for hiking the area.
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