Let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed.
--Mark Twain
--Mark Twain
Trip Logs and Photos of My Travels
- The Megatrip - 2004 Western National Parks Tour
- 2005 trip to Portland and Yosemite
- 2006 Rae Lakes Loop backpacking trip in Kings Canyon NP
- NW-Canadian Trek - 2 week trip through 8 states / provinces
- 2007 S. Lake to N. Lake Loop Hike Eastern Sierras Trip
- 2008 Duck Pass to Mono Pass Backpack Trip
- 2008 Argentina Trip
- 2009 New Zealand Sabbatical Tour
- 2009 S. Utah Camping 5 nights camping in and around the Grand Staircase
- 2009 Panama Trip 10 days across the country
- '09 Sequoia Mineral King Trip
- 2010 S. Utah 4x4 Trip 2nd try after being flooded out 4 years ago
- 2010 Mammoth to Yosemite Hike
- 2011 Utah / Grand Canyon North Rim
- 2011 Europe Trip (AKA Sabbatical Tour #2)
- 2012 Morocco Trek (incl. Belgium and London)
- 2012 Italy Pass Backpacking
- 2013 Japan / Thailand Combo
- 2014 South Lake to Taboose Pass Backpacking
- 2015 Namibia Camping Safari
- 2015 Kearsarge Pass To Whitney Portal Backpacking