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Trip to Argentina November 12-29, 2008. Summary of itineray: 2 nights Buenos Aires, bus to San Martin de los Andes (2 nights), cab to Villa Traful (1 night), bus to Bariloche (2 nights), flight to El Calafate [plane rerouted to Rio Gallegos connecting to a bus] (2 nights), bus to El Chalten (4 nights), return bus to El Calafate (1 night), flight to Ushuia (2 nights), then return to BA for flight home.
Day 1-3: Buenos Aires
First night's restaurant; I had chicken but the steaks look nice |
A look at my hotel from the nearby plaza |
Best hotel pillow treat I've ever had. One of the few items I brought back was a box of 12 of these things for $7. | |||
Some tall buildings as seen from a park | Nice botanical garden | The bus terminal leaving town; must have been over 100 bus companies running out of this place. I took a nice luxury 21 hour ride to next stop. | |||
Bunch of stray cats chillin' out. Rest of country had a lot of wild dogs. | 1/2 of the widest avenue in the world that was somewhat foreboding and puts even the LA Freeways to shame for wideness; fortunately, there was a light to cross at. Nice overhead shot here. | ![]() |
Click pic for video some guys made demonstrating the cushy seats on this Via Bariloche bus; I had the best sleep ever on this ride and could have done another 10 hours, I think. | ||
Big graveyard at Recoletta. Lots of cats here. Lots of crazy crypts. | Nice crazy tree in Recoletta area. | Annoyances about Buenos Aires: Traffic is madness and risk of being run over is high. Every street has a lot of smelly busses, no matter how small, exhaust all over, dinner never opens till 8pm (when walking around all day, didn't fit into my schedule). Plusses of Buenos Aires: good bizzes, good steaks, most people seem fairly content, cheap and plentiful taxis, nice greenery, cool old subway rides for 30 cents, good street signs, crazy drivers were good about signaling turns. 1 full day and 2 half-days was just enough for me before heading off across the Pampas to the Pategonia portion of my trip. | |||
A guy walking 7 dogs; saw a couple of these mass dog walkers struggling in the area. They wore gloves to avoid leash-burn. |
Nice color in a park somewhere. |
Day 4-5: San Martin de los Andes
Nice key from my hotel in San Martin de los Andes. All the hotel keys were this old school variety. The big piece of wood was to make you turn your key in when you left, which they said was in case they had to evacuate the place so they would know who was in their room. Shady. |
After the long bus ride, I was up for activity still since it was so comfortable and hiked a short way to the overlook of the lake that the town was next to. |
Another view of the lake without me sullying the beauty. | |||
The second day I was there, I had a bike and went to this other overlook to see the lake from another viewpoint that was very nice. | From the same viewpoint, a view of the city of San Martin de los Andes. | A look at the beach of the town. The air temperature was a bit cool, but very comfortable. | |||
Give a good indication of the size and curviness of Lago Lacar. | On a mountain bike ride to this cove at another part of the lake, saw some nice sheep action. | View from Quila Quina, a small town of indigenous people along the lake. The bike ride down this was painful up and down and the sun was pretty intense, though it was fairly cool which was nice. | |||
View of the lake from up the dirt road a bit from Quila Quina. | Major sweat action on this ride as evident from the salt on my pack. I also got majorly sunburned on the top of my hands (and nowhere else) as will be seen in later photos. I was wearing a long sleaved shirt during the ride. | Town summary: nice, but annoying that a lot of stores close during the day and on Sunday which caused me hassle. Had a nice steak one night. Hotel was ok, but shower was not great. Plan to rent a car went awry because I forgot my drivers license, so I hired a cab to drive me 100km to my next destination, Villa Traful. |
Day 6-7: Seven Lakes Route to Bariloche with stop in Villa Traful
Cab driver was nice enough to let me stop along the route to check out the various lakes. Here's one. |
My first look at Lago Traful. |
I had planned on staying at a low-budget spot but they were full and as I wasn't in the mood for dallying, I took the first place down the road which happened to be the nicest place is town, at $75 US. Sweet patio. | |||
Another view from inside the room. I really spoiled myself because the rest of my lodging would not come close to this. | View of the lake from the patio. | My 2 days here were so relaxing because no one was around and the lake was one of the nicest that I took many shots. | |||
Some nice plant color. | First activity of the day was hiking to a couple waterfalls near town. | First waterfall. Nice to get in the shade because it was actually sort of warm and I had been in the sun a lot the previous day. My hands were still in pain from sunburn.. | |||
Nice view of the lake from a grassy opening in the trail. | Another angle from this resting place where I sat on a bench for a while. The lack of madness and puffy clouds and lake was very relaxing after a hectic start of the trip. | Second waterfall was a bit more impressive. | |||
A wider shot of the second fall showing the rugged background. This was in the opposite direction of the lake. At the top was a mountain I attempted to hike to the next day but was thwarted. | I walked a painful 5km down the dirt road to this mega overlook that climbed some serious stairs and afforded one of the top views of a lake I've ever had. | This shot shows some of the coastline of the lake. There was a lot of horse action in the area and they enjoyed the nice grass. | |||
Another angle from the overlook. | A final shot. Thankfully, some nice locals from the town that were enjoying the view gave me a ride back in the bed of their pickup for a bouncy ride back to town. I got to use my phrase book a little and for a rare time was understood. | Some wild horse walking by as seen in the evening from my room. | |||
Morning view from the hotel room the next day | Big hike for the day started ok, but then I lost the trail and came across this, which was an omen for me to give up. | So instead, I just decided to walk along the lake and admire the beauty. This dog followed me for 2 hours and stopped when I stopped. I felt a bond with him and grew really attached in the short time, even though I normally dislike dogs. | |||
After a while walking down the road with my dog companion always ahead of me, I went down to nice rock that had great views and sat for a while. | Another angle from this spot. | directly across the lake from this spot. | |||
My dog friend goes for a dirt bath. He liked to get wet and then roll around quite often. This dog had a delighting gallop and really seemed to enjoy life, though I suspect he had no home. | Walked a little down the beach of the lake and took in the scene for a bit. | The water was exceptionally clear. | |||
A look back toward the rock outcropping I had rested before. | Low shot of the water. | Shot of me sullying the view. | |||
Nice color. | Excellent beer. I don't know how this town that was so small had a brewery. Overall, the beer throughout the trip was great. | I killed a bit of time then took a small bus to Bariloche for the next leg of my tour. This bus cost around $5 to go 160 km. Nice landscape that reminded me of southern Utah. Had I more time, I probably could have chilled out another day sipping beers on my patio at the "luxury" 225 pesos per night hotel, enjoying the lake and no crowds, maybe figuring out where the trail to Cerro Negro was that I couldn't find. |
Day 8-9: Bariloche
Day 10-11: El Calafate and Glacier Excursion
Arriving late to El Calafate, I booked the all day multi-glacier boat tour. Lots of nice ice bergs and it was quite cold. |
another general boat view. |
Iceberg Action. | |||
First glacier was not reachable due to major iceberg blockage. | I was a little slow getting to the prime picture spot for the closeup. | Example of greenery in the midst of major coldness. I was imazed to see this type of plant in such cold areas, since I'm only used to seeing trees like the pines of Tahoe that can stand the freezing weather. | |||
Aproaching the first glacier of major proportions. | Glacier Action. | Bit wider view of the glacier. | |||
Another angle looking as the glacier climbs up the mountain. | Left side of glacier. | Little water fall with some chick in the Captain's Lounge taking a picture of something in the other direction, not sure what.. | |||
Artsy shot. For some inexplicable reason as we jammed away from the glacier, the crew started blasting this Queen song over the PA system. I liked the song, despite it disturbing the mood. Some French guy complained and they turned it down. | Cool 'berg with a hole in it. | The big Perito Moreno glacier. | |||
Bit of an angle to get some size appreciation. | Shows a little bit of the glacier texture. |
The glacier trip was fairly exhausting after scrambling around the night before and having to wake up early for it. Had a great steak in town at night and excellent ice cream for the 2nd night in a row at this place near my Hotel Los Lagos. I didn't partake in the ice cream in this country except for 3 times at this spot, but it was excellent. |
Day 12-15: El Chalten
Day 16: Layover day in El Calafate with minor excursion to Estancia
Probably could have planned better, but my flight down to Ushuia was such that I sort of had to waste a day in El Calafate, but there was this late excursion leaving at 5pm (since it stays light till 10 or so) to this estancia for a little hike and then a nice BBQ. I took 2 photos. I'm mad at myself now for taking one with this guy in the way because I really like it. This was just amazing landscape.
I should have taken a picture of the meal because I seem to recall it was very nice with great chicken and some other meats and I also enjoyed talking to the other tourists including some French Canadians who were nice to me since Obama had won the
election. Lots of Canadians, French, Germans, and English on this trip.
Then there is this final picture from El Calafate of the emergency exit of my hotel. This door, on the second floor opened to nothing, so you'd fall to the ground if you ran screaming out in a fire.
Day 17-18: Ushuia
For the truly ambitious, here's the unedited audio notes (25MB, 1 hour long) I recorded as I had some downtime at various spots in the trip.
Please note that I may have been drinking beer or exhausted when making these remarks. It's not all that enlightening, but has a few interesting items.
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