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Week of August 20, 2012, entered via North Lake near Bishop, exited via Pine Creek.  Details hazy due to my delay at posting, but I recall getting rained on at a pass about an hour before a camp, but then
having 2 days at this excellent lake and the sun came out.  And difficult route finding at times with boulder hopping for a long time at Italy Lake and through Jumble Lake.  Ran out of food and
really painful in the end, but an excellent trip still.

Day 1: Sweet motel sign where we spent the night before in Bishop, then a nice camp site.  Not too bad of a climb if I recall.


Day 2-3: Tough hike because a cold rain forced up to take cover for a while over the pass to the place we were going to spend 2 nights, but eventually, it let up.  Made a trench and hid in the tent and then cleared and next day was sweet.  A great relaxing spot in the middle of this arduous trip.


Day 4: Real tought route to Italy Lake via hard to define trail and boulders at the end.


Day 5: Final hike up over Italy Pass and forever down out Pine Creek exit, the last part of which was not a fun old mining road and being short on food, I was in bad shape and demanded a Cactus Cooler immediately at the car.  The traversing over Jumble Lake was really tough and high ankle-breaking possibilities with all the boulders.


First Day Camp Site


2 day camp site after rain let up, but trouble still


Tough part of hike along cliff


Italy Lake after tough boulder hopping finish and site search


Sunset over Italy Lake


Last day though Granite Park

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